Blog and Recipes

Spicy cucumber salad with peanut butter & chili oil

When you think of cucumber, you don’t exactly imagine a flavor explosion. That’s why a cucumber salad isn’t really something we get super excited about. In fact, it’s a bit boring. But here at Heatsupply, we love making boring food fun, and once again, we’ve got a magic ingredient for that: chili oil, or chili […]

Why is Da Bomb so hot, despite the low Scoville rating

When people ask us what the hottest sauce is that we sell, we always immediately think of Da Bomb. The guests of the YouTube show Hot Ones will believe us right away, because it’s an incredibly painful/hot sauce that pretty much destroys every Hot Ones guest. And that’s while the Scoville score is ‘only’ 135,600. […]

This is how Da Bomb hot sauce from Hot Ones is made

Are you a hot sauce enthusiast? Then you’ve probably heard of “Da Bomb Beyond Insanity,” one of the most feared hot sauces in the world. As you probably know, this fiery sauce owes its reputation mainly to the popular YouTube series “Hot Ones,” where even the toughest celebrities succumb to the intense heat. How is […]

Chili Colorado word je nieuwe favoriete chili gerecht

Most people are probably familiar with chili con carne, but you can forget about that for now. We came across a chili dish that’s way better, and we think you’ll agree. You don’t need a ton of ingredients, but the absolute essentials you can’t miss are a few dried peppers: guajillo, ancho, pasilla, and if […]

Hot Honey butter is something you didn’t know you needed!

The average person will use butter regularly. For example on a sandwich, a baguette, a slice of gingerbread, you name it. You probably never thought: this could use some extra sweetness and heat. Until now, because we want to introduce you to hot honey butter! Hot Honey butter It’s not very complicated, by the way. […]

Spicy steak sandwich with one of our all time favourite hot sauces

Steak is something that tops many people’s ‘best things in life’ list, but as hot sauce fans, we know that hot sauce belongs there too. So we thought, what if we make a steak sandwich with what we consider one of the tastiest hot sauces ever? Without wanting to blow our own trumpet too much, […]

How is the heat level of a hot sauce determined?

We often receive questions about the Scoville Heat Units of a particular sauce. Usually, we have to answer: we don’t know, because the maker of this hot sauce hasn’t officially tested it in a lab. Additionally, we have a few other reasons why we rarely mention the Scoville score of a sauce. But how do […]

How to make your own hot sauce in just a few minutes

You may have noticed, but we’re quite passionate about hot sauce. That’s why we search the world for the best hot sauces to make them available to you, resulting in the largest selection of hot sauces in Europe. It’s super cool to try various flavors from producers worldwide, but secretly, nothing beats eating homemade stuff. […]

Ice & Fire: how to make delicious spicy ice cream

On a hot day, spicy food might not be the first thing that comes to mind. Something refreshing like ice cream is naturally more appealing. But what if you combine spicy and ice cream? It’s as if an angel sits on your left shoulder when you put it to your lips, but after a few […]

Where do the first chili peppers come from?

We talk about hot sauce pretty much non-stop (just ask our other halves), but we can’t really talk about it without talking about peppers. The stars of the sauce show. The main cause of the hotness in hot sauces. A hot sauce simply cannot exist without peppers. But where do they come from? When were […]

What is hot sauce?

You could say that our mission is to get more people to try hot sauce. We are convinced that there is a suitable hot sauce for everyone and every recipe, but before you check our range of hot sauces, it might be useful to first explain what we think hot sauce is. Explained very simply: […]

Hot sauce history: the ancient history of that spicy goodness

Hot sauce is getting hotter and hotter. And I don’t mean in terms of actual heat, but in terms of popularity. Also here in Europe. Despite that, it is still in its infancy and most people are not yet very familiar with hot sauce. That’s why we would like to educate people in this area. […]

These are the best hot sauces for BBQ season

The barbecue season is in full swing and a good barbecue needs a nice selection of hot sauces if you ask us. But which hot sauces go best with different barbecue dishes? On this page we give you a few hot sauce tips per category. We also briefly explain why these sauces go so well […]

Drinking water after spicy food: do it or not?

You’re enjoying a plate full of spicy food, your mouth is on fire and your first instinct is to reach for a glass of water. But is that a good idea? Let’s dive deeper into this pressing issue. Why you reach for water when your mouth is on fire It’s a natural reaction: your mouth […]

Why does spicy food make you cry?

Spicy food: you either love it or hate it. Guess which side we’re on. But even the biggest spice lords and ladies can’t deny that their eyes sometimes start to water after a bite of a fiery sauce. What exactly is happening in your body that causes this reaction? Let’s take a closer look at […]

Want to make your own authentic mole sauce? This is how you do it step by step!

Have you ever delved into the enchanting world of Mexican cuisine? If so, then you know that mole is one of those dishes that brings the essence of Mexico to your plate. If not, I have something special for you today. I’m going to take you on a culinary journey that will awaken your senses […]

These are the best hot sauces for beginners

We may be seasoned hot sauce eaters, but we also want to introduce people to hot sauce who are not yet familiar with it. We want to persuade even people who “can’t handle spicy food” to give it a try, because we are convinced that we have a hot sauce for everyone. Of course, the […]

What is the difference between sambal and hot sauce?

We have been running a hot sauce company for about 6.5 years, but when we were growing up, our mother didn’t serve us spicy food very often. If there was something spicy on the table, it was often a jar of sambal (from the supermarket) when she had made nasi goreng. For many Dutch people, […]

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