Spicy Fish Curry with Cod and hot sauce

For number 11 of our Hot Sauce Recipe series we are going to work with fish for the first time. Cod to be more precise. Since we really like our curries, especially when they’re really spicy, we are making a spicy fish curry this time. Of course it’s great to make a curry with fresh peppers, but there are some hot sauces that do the trick very well too. We’ll show you!
Below you will find the video of the fish curry recipe. Rather read the instructions? Scroll past the video below.
Ingredients Spicy Fish Curry
- Cod ( 1 piece of around 150 gram per person)
- Yoghurt
- Coconut, grated
- Onion
- Red Paprika
- Clark & Hopkins Assam Hot Sauce
- Spring Onion
- Salt & Pepper
- Slice the paprika, onion and spring onion.
- Take a bowl and add 100 grams of yoghurt. Add 4 table spoons of grated coconut. Now let’s spice things up and add the Clark & Hopkins Assam Hot Sauce. You could also choose Seed Ranch Hot Thai Green, when you like things even more spicy. Add the sliced spring onion and mix well.
- Take a piece of tinfoil. Add some of the yoghurt mix in the middle and place the cod onto this little bit of spicy yoghurt mix. Now cover the entire fish in the same mix and add the paprika and onion. When that’s done, tuck in the fish by folding over the tinfoil and place this package into a preheated oven (180 degrees celsius) for about 15 minutes.
- In the meantime, cook some (basmati) rice as a side dish.
- Take the package of fish curry out of the oven and place on a plate, together with the rice. Finish off with some extra hot sauce!
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