Slight increase of some prices due to increased import tariffs on American sauces

Here at Heatsupply we always try to offer our customers the best and most popular hot sauces from all over the world and most of them come from the United States. The hot sauce scene has been huge there for decennia, so it’s not that crazy that the most popular brands are from the US. We import them and then sell them for the best possible price, but unfortunately we are going to have to increase some prices, because the European Union has implemented a serious increase of import tariffs on American products.
25% increase of import tariffs on American products
Products that are being sent to us from the US since november 10th are affected with this 25% increase of import tariffs on American products. That sadly means we have to increase the prices of some products on our webshop as well. Ofcourse we hate to do that, because we want to offer our loyal customers the best price possible. Unfortunately that ‘best price possible’ is a bit higher right now, but let’s hope Joe Biden and the EU end this increase on the import tariffs soon. The increase was reaction on the increase of import tariffs on European products by former US President Donald Trump.
The increase doesn’t necessarily mean that we increase the prices of all those products with 25%, because that would be too much in our opinion. We just want to be transparent about these increases, because we think that is fair to our customers. It also means that some prices of other American products can increase in the coming months as well (of products that haven’t had a price increase yet). As soon as we can lower the prices, we will do that immediately!
For now we want to wish everyone a happy end of the year and let’s hope we can get rid of these increased import tariffs, and even more important; of this corona crisis as soon as possible. Stay safe & eat hot sauce!